NEWS: partnership launch with Vitality Health

We are very pleased to announce the launch of our new partnership with Vitality Health.

Vitality Health (formerly Pru Health) is one of the UK’s leading health insurers and is part of the Discovery Holdings Group from South Africa. It provides private health insurance services and a rewards incentive wellness program to the US, Europe and Australasia.

Vitality Health has recently launched an online GP service for UK customers and we are proud to announce that a Skin Analytics skin check is now part of their suite of diagnostic tests.

Any Vitality Health customer who calls up the online GP service with a suspicious mole or lesion will be eligible to be referred for a Skin Analytics skin check. The service is available to those with iPhones in its initial phase.

Customers who are referred to Skin Analytics receive a skin check kit in the post which they can use to take high quality images for review by a dermatologist.

The feedback has been really positive from customers, GPs and Vitality. Our service provides high quality care in a quick and convenient way.

We believe that our skin check service will help Vitality customers to be more skin aware and take action against skin cancer sooner.

If you would like to find out more about our work with Vitality please contact

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